
Freedom Solutions Australia

Logo of Freedom Solutions Australia. The text "freedom solutions" is written in lowercase letters with "freedom" on top of "solutions," both in a bright blue colour. The letter "o" in "freedom" is stylised as a wheelchair symbol, representing inclusivity. Below "solutions," the word "australia" is written in smaller, lowercase letters. The logo also features a gear symbol integrated into the "o" of "solutions," signifying innovation and technology.

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Freedom Solutions Welcomes Angela Obree as New Board Member

"A professional portrait of a woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a black top. She is smiling warmly at the camera, exuding confidence and friendliness. The background is plain white, ensuring the focus remains on her face and expression. The image conveys professionalism and approachability."

Freedom Solutions Australia proudly announces the appointment of Angela Obree to its esteemed board of directors. With a wealth of experience in management consulting, finance, and board leadership spanning multiple continents, Angela brings a dynamic perspective and invaluable expertise to the Freedom Solutions Australia team.

Angela’s distinguished career as a Non-Executive Director, Committee Chair, and Board Advisor, with over 25 years of experience in management consulting across the UK, South Africa, Ireland, Germany, and Australia, speaks volumes about her depth of knowledge and strategic acumen.

As a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Angela’s solid background in finance, risk management, and strategy positions her as a strategic asset to Freedom Solutions Australia’s board. Her commitment to excellence is further exemplified by her role as a Semester Teaching Fellow on the MBA programme at Bond University, where she shares her insights and expertise with the next generation of business leaders.

Angela’s recent experience includes leading commercial negotiations at global corporates, lecturing at Bond University’s Business School and serving as a director on two investment funds. Her migration to Australia three years ago has fuelled her desire to give back to the community that has warmly welcomed her and her family. Angela’s personal connection to a close friend living with a disability, combined with Freedom Solutions Australia’s purpose-driven business model, has inspired her to join the board and contribute to the organisation’s mission of empowering individuals with disabilities.

“We are delighted to have Angela Obree join the board of Freedom Solutions Australia,” remarked Matthew Kayrooz, Chair of Freedom Solutions Australia Board. “Her extensive experience, strategic insights, and genuine commitment to our mission will undoubtedly strengthen our organisation’s impact and effectiveness as we continue to support individuals with disabilities across Australia.”

Angela Obree expressed her delight about joining the Freedom Solutions Australia board, stating, ” I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute as a board member of Freedom Solutions Australia. I am deeply committed to contributing to the impactful work of the organisation and creating a positive change in the lives of individuals living with disabilities.”

The inclusion of Angela Obree on the board underscores Freedom Solutions Australia’s commitment to maintaining a culture of excellence in governance and leadership. With her wealth of experience and commitment to social change, Freedom Solutions Australia is excited to advance its mission of creating a more inclusive and accessible society for all by ‘Clever Ideas, Changing Lives’.