Volunteer Spotlight: Bob

Introducing our wonderful volunteer Bob Armstrong.

Bob Armstrong is a retired engineer who has devoted his time and skills to help those in need. After retiring in early 2020, Bob sought a way to give back to his community and found his calling with Freedom Solutions Australia (previously Solve-TAD) as a technical volunteer in the Geelong region.

Before volunteering, Bob had an extensive career as an electrical engineer, working on major projects related to hydrocarbon facilities, oil, and gas facilities. He also transitioned into project management, travelling both interstate and internationally. Despite his busy career, Bob and his wife raised six children, making their lives even busier.

Bob’s passion for volunteering with Freedom Solutions Australia was ignited by the desire to use his technical background to make a difference in the lives of those with disabilities. He believes that providing individuals with custom equipment suited to their needs can offer a sense of freedom and independence. This is especially true for people who have been struggling with their disabilities for years, relying heavily on caregivers and ill-fitting equipment.

One of Bob’s favourite projects was designing a custom walker for a woman with only one functional arm. With the help of Joanne, Occupational Therapist, they created a walker that provided elbow support and a single handle. The woman could manoeuvre the walker easily and even walk through tight spaces, giving her newfound independence.

Bob’s favourite project: a customised walker for a woman with one functional arm

Bob enjoys working with the volunteer group, as they collaborate on projects, offer technical support, and share resources. This collaborative environment fosters success and enables volunteers to continuously learn from one another.

When asked what the word ‘freedom’ means to him, Bob says ‘it’s about providing individuals with self-satisfaction and self-importance by giving them the ability to achieve something on their own.’ The custom equipment designed by volunteers like Bob can grant a level of freedom to those in need, making a profound difference in their lives.

We are grateful for volunteers like Bob, who dedicate their time, skills, and passion to help others through Freedom Solutions Australia. Their commitment to creating a more inclusive world is truly inspiring.

Is there a product you need that’s not available on the market? Then maybe our highly skilled volunteers can help!
Want to Volunteer?

Freedom Solutions Australia has over 250 volunteers across NSW and VIC, changing the lives of individuals living with disability every day.