
Freedom Solutions Australia

Logo of Freedom Solutions Australia. The text "freedom solutions" is written in lowercase letters with "freedom" on top of "solutions," both in a bright blue colour. The letter "o" in "freedom" is stylised as a wheelchair symbol, representing inclusivity. Below "solutions," the word "australia" is written in smaller, lowercase letters. The logo also features a gear symbol integrated into the "o" of "solutions," signifying innovation and technology.

1300 663 243


Workplace Giving

Your small, ongoing donation is deducted from your pre-tax salary so that you can help people with a disability to reach their goals as you live and work! Workplace giving also provides an immediate tax benefit by reducing your taxable income. See how much a donation from each pay will save you in tax using this calculator. 

To start changing lives of people with a disability from your pre-tax salary, please choose from the following options:

If your employer is registered on Good2Give, Deed and Good Company, you can simply set up an account and start giving.

Help kids like Rhythm

Your ongoing donations will help us support kids like Rhythm to achieve their functional goals and continue to provide vital services for our community.

If you would like more information please contact Meadhbh Roche, Engagement & Marketing Manager on 02 9912 3400 or email meadhbh.roche@freedomsolutions.org.au.

How to get
involved with Workplace Giving

How to get involved with Workplace Giving

How to get involved with Workplace Giving