
Mia’s Safe Bed

Meet Mia

Mia (4 years old) lives in Wollongong with her Mum and Dad, and lives with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes physical and cognitive impairments.Growing up, Mia has faced many challenges, particularly at bedtime.

Mia’s father, Jeff, tried modifying her existing baby cot, but even that reached its limit as Mia was able to climb over the side and fall out onto the floor. Mia’s parents tried a single mattress on the floor, but she would continue to move around the room until she was so tired that she would fall and hurt herself. When funding through the NDIS was rejected, Jeff reached out to Freedom Solutions Australia to create a unique solution for Mia.

Working in co-design with Mia’s family and the Rett Clinic from Sydney Children’s Hospital, Freedom Solutions Australia volunteers Marco and Mike designed a custom bed frame for Mia. This new frame would include walls that would be too high for Mia to climb over, keeping her safe and secure at night time. The results have been life-changing.

“Mia is now safe at night time. She is more independent because of the bed. When she is upset in the night I can now go into the bed and lie next to her. I can lie in there with her to read a book. The bed has significantly increased Mia’s quality of life and changed all of our lives for the better.”

Mia’s new bed has brought significant changes to their lives and made it possible for Mia to have more independence and comfort. “When she wakes up, we greet her, open the door to the bed and she comes out herself,” says Jeff, highlighting how this assistive technology has changed their everyday routines. The entire process was a success for Jeff, who is “extremely happy with the service” provided by Freedom Solutions Australia.

Freedom Solutions Australia’s custom-made assistive technology solutions make a significant impact on people’s lives. They not only provide support and safety but also bring newfound independence and freedom to individuals living with disabilities and their families. The organisation has helped many people like Mia, and Jeff’s feedback shows the incredible impact that their solutions have on people’s lives.
